Friday, July 18, 2014

INTERVIEW: President Landev on the Upcoming Treaty Signing In Kiev

Today, Alice Sheffield sat down with President Dmitry Landev of Nolgaria to talk about the upcoming international convention in Kiev that begins tomorrow. Below is the official transcript
SHEFFIELD: Good Evening, your Excellency and thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview. All the world has its eyes on you and all Norupean nations.

LANDEV: Thank you for the opportunity, Madam Sheffield. We are honored to be on the world spotlight.

SHEFFIELD: Your welcome. We are all away that for the past month or so, five delegates from the five Norupean nations have been meeting in the International Conference of Nolgarian Nations under the roof of Kiev and that they have drafted a treaty that creates a new international union between your five nations. Could you reveal to us some of the info on the treaty and when it will be released to the public?

LANDEV: That is true that we have been drafting a treaty but it currently has only been viewed by the convention members. Versions were also sent to all the governments of the member states but it is at the discretion of all participating heads of states to reveal the treaty's contents and so far, we have not decided to do so yet.

SHEFFIELD: Would you feel at ease to discuss certain aspects of the treaty? Surely you have seen it yourself?

LANDEV: Oh yes, me and Prime Minister Sveyia have both already viewed the treaty. To put it simply, it creates an economic, cultural, and political union for all five of our Norupean nations but we do have provisions for future expansion of membership to other nation states.

SHEFFIELD: We are aware that many different dignitaries will be in attendance. Are you at leisure to discuss who will be attending?

LANDEV: Currently, me, Prime Minister Sveyia, and Minister Utkin will be in attendance of course. I also know that His Majesty George II, Grand Duke of Weselton and Chancellor  Herman Goering will be in attendance. His Majesty King Filip III and his Prime Minister Fredrick Norgard will be attendance from the Southern Isles. His Majesty King Wilhelm and Prince Eugene will be in attendance from Corona. We are also honored to host Her Majesty Queen Elsa and Prime Minister Timothy DesJarlais as well from Arendelle. They all will be escorted of course by their ministers of foreign affairs.

SHEFFIELD: Are you at leisure to discuss their itinerary with us?

LANDEV: Their specific itineraries are confidential but I can tell you this. At noon tomorrow all the dignitaries will arrive at the airport where I will personally welcome them all to Nolgaria. They will then travel in parade style to the Intercontinental Hotel. We have a ball later for them at 6:00 PM. The next morning we will have mass or church services and at noon, we will have a giant banquet. At 4:00 PM tomorrow, we will meet at the Ukrainian House to sign the treaty into law.

SHEFFIELD: Thank you. And how are you handling security issues and concerns?

LANDEV: Many of my top military commanders have already covered this topic many times and I fully trust there will be no incidents during the duration of this conference. We have numerous elite units in the city and all streets and locations around the meeting side and routes will be closed temporarily. We are also working closely with each official's bodyguards and protection to maximize our security effectiveness. 

SHEFFIELD: How do you feel about Nolgaria hosting this event? I know that Caucasian Rus's past history has been dark and that you have campaigned and pushed for a more diplomatic and peaceful Nolgaria. Do you feel that Nolgaria's role in this organization fulfills your goal?

LANDEV: My goal is continuing to be fullfilled, Madam Sheffield but yes, I do feel that our participation in this convention is greatly beneficial to our diplomatic relationships.

SHEFFIELD: And how will you be treating dissenters? It is likely that there are many anti-New World Order groups that may try to stage protests? Also, how will you handle foreign press and journalists, like us?

LANDEV: Wow, lots of questions. I will treat all peaceful demonstrations as I have treated them in the past, with respect toward their freedom of speech. I implore all protesters though to treat these foreign guests with respect and I will not tolerate insulting them or booing them when they arrive. As for journalism, I will allow at certain times for the dignitaries to be interviewed by the media but we will not allow them to stalk them everywhere they go.

SHEFFIELD: Alright, and on a closing note, do you have any thing to say to the world or your nation about tomorrow?

LANDEV: Yes, Nolgaria, Arendelle, Corona, Southern Isles, and Weselton are about to make history. We are on the verge of a union that will benefit all and I implore civility, peace, and freedom from dissension. Let tomorrow and Sunday be days to celebrate the gentle bonds that hold us together, not the cultural and social divides that separate us. 

SHEFFIELD: Well put, Your Excellency. Thank you for taking the time to do this quick survey and we eagerly await tomorrow.

LANDEV: Your welcome. Nolgaria is ready for tomorrow and we hope all of Norup is.

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