Saturday, August 23, 2014

President Rick Perry of Texas Indited for Corruption Charges

In a rare strike at President Perry in a move considered ridiculous even by the Democrats, government prosecutor Michael McCrum has lodged charges of corruption and abuse of office against President Rick Perry.

Above: Mugshot of President Rick Perry taken after turning himself in to authorities 
Austin, Texas: On August 15, a grand jury indicted President Rick Perry on crimes of corruption and abuse of power brought against him by a county prosecutor named Michael McCrum. The charges are based around a grapple of power that began a while back between President Perry and Rosemary Lehmberg. Lehmberg was a district attorney who also the head of the Public Integrity Unit, a government watchdog agency tasked with monitoring the actions of the national and county governments. She also happened to be a Democrat as well and did have a history of opposing Perry's policies.

A while back, she was caught driving under the influence of alcohol and caused a car accident, resulting in her being charged and sentenced to 45 days in a county jail. As a result, President Perry gave calls for her to step down as District Attorney and PIU head but she refused and President Perry threatened to use his veto power to cut most of the funds to the PIU.

Although he had the right to veto the bill, the act of using his powers for retaliation are what the prosecutor is using. Perry has also ignored past offenses in office and the fact that he is taking up issue in this case with a Democrat is why people consider this to be corrupt. If the district attorney had stepped down, Perry would have been able to replace her with one of his own men.

Perry completely believes he is in the right after he was indited, he turned himself in to authorities where he was photographed and put into the system. He has also hired an army of attorneys and believes that he will win this case. While he may clear this road block, if found guilty, he could be sentenced for as long as 99 years in prison. 

The political consequences of this are not negative for Perry and his party as it is only serving to strengthen their image and paint the Democrats as cheaters attempting to gain control of the state through legalities and technicalities rather then democracy, according to members of the Republican Party. However, this could have unintended international consequences though as this is sure to be greeted with pleasure by Texas's enemies.


  1. As a women, it seems that the politics get worse and worse. They are not creditable for their actions and seem to have a considerably difficult time staying out of the spot light for uncouth or scandals. Although, many thrive on this information from blogs such as these, it seems to be a broken record and all politics are identical.

    Leticia Holt @ KHunter Law

  2. Great work at staying unbiased! Nonetheless, this political battle is a complete mess. It is difficult to look up to these political figures when scandals/arguments like these keep occurring. I can barely keep up with all of these stories, but I am curious to see how the case ends. Especially in respect to how the public reacts to this!
